World's Most Expensive Pizza

On May 22nd, 2010, Laszlo Hanyecz spent 10,000 BTC—then worth $41—on two pizzas.
Today, those bitcoins would be worth hundreds of millions, making it history's priciest meal.

World's Most Expensive Pizza

Now, a 10,000 BTC meal equals
$881,003,323 or 816,264,261€

* 1 BTC = $88,100 = 81,626€ (source)

This transaction will be
stored in the Bitcoin
blockchain forever!


Tip jars (for pizza)
bc1q7p43rvur8cfea3ffjurh28da0sxex56ny4mcrc (BTC)
3PELdTNHrpLibhWZwNooE5qg5n32Z4jKwe (LTC)
0x6547e400Ac6196C1cFa5566Ea58B288d5F1B592F (ERC-20)